Sunday, September 11, 2005

Overheard: Pushing maximum density

Pushing maximum density and wearing a tight pink low cut shirt and too tight black pants, smoking ultra light 100's and smelling like hair spray, she said to her identical enough friend: Yeah, like I really need to try hard at this college thing, like, my parents really sacrificed so I could come here, ya know?

Friend: uhhu

Pushing: But like ya know it's college and shit and I can't just study all the time, like I gotta have fun, like this is college.

Friend: yeah.

Pushing: They sold one of their cars and like my mom got a job at fuckin Holliday Inn. Holliday Inn.

Friend: wow.

Pushing: Yeah it's like they never gave a thought about how that's gonna affect me like how that's gonna make me feel... like I've gotta use this time, this opportunity to meet people, ya know, "build connections that last a lifetime" and shit, how am I supposed to do what if it comes out that my mom like works in a fuckin' hotel?

Friend: yeah, no shit.


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