Saturday, December 17, 2005


ok, our internet is shutting off. I am going home, kinda. You know the drill: little if any posting the next month or so. I'll be back in town the 12th-ish.

Yesterday, I bought a ton (more like thirty pounds) of books for five dollars. The one I'm most excited about is The Stories of John Cheever.

And... a picture for you to ponder...the person that comes up with the best (entirely subjectively judged by me) explanation for this picture wins (something).


At 6:49 PM, Blogger JHitts said...

You'll have to call me sometime so I can figure out when I should be coming back and when I'm gonna start working. I have really no idea what the hell is going on here.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Daniel Silliman said...

What possible explanation could that picture need?


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