Friday, November 11, 2005

Hello, computer lab

My computer died last night. I talked to ITS this morning and they are going to employ all of their magical powers to ressurect it. Ironically, at the moment of its departure I was writing about man's fear that technology will step out of its bondage and revolt. I dreamt last night that my computer came back to me. I apologized. It forgave. All was restored...especially "my documents".


At 10:26 AM, Blogger TheAmber said...

Have you guys checked your usual haunts for giant magnets? I mean Lee's Comp just died, Your Comp just died ...

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is jonmagic, typing this comment using mr heymans computer... i must say that hillsdale college IT, as far as i can tell, is full of crap... maybe that was too harsh... what i meant to say is they don't know the front of a computer from the back... wait, that was too harsh... nevermind, hey luke, i fixed your computer, come and get it baby :-)


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