Saturday, April 01, 2006

That's it.

I've had enough. For over three years now I have written on this blog. Some of it was worth while, most of it not. All in all when I think about it I get an overwhelming sense of mismanaged time. I've spent hours that add up to weeks writing for this thing, attempting to build relationships on nothing but electricity and artificial light. It's time for me to invest my time in real relationships. No more of this checking for comments twelve times a day. No more feeling guilty for not posting "for like ever." No more bleary eyed blog reading to see what my stalk-ees (i.e. friends) are doing.

I will not read blogs any more. I am probably going to forswear the internet once I graduate. I will not apologize, and YES, I am serious. I will leave this up for one week then delete this blog.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger luke said...

APRIL FOOLS!!!!! Suckaaaaas.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Daniel Silliman said...

I believed you, and was totally okay with it. Though it did seem like a remarkably decisive move for you.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Valerie Silliman said...

I would have believed you, accept that you don't blog that frequently, so the whole "I mismanage time, I spend too much time on this thing" just didn't strike me as true.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bought the "forswear the internet" thing until I remembered there's Wikipedia…


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