Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Schedule

Eng 340 Victorian and Modern Brit. Lit.
Eng 370 Amer. Lit. 1890-present
Eng 402 The Life and Times of Mark Twain
Eng 404 Contemporary Literary Criticism
Eng 597 The American Gothic tradition in the late 20th century
Hon 258 From Aristophanes to David Lynch And Beyond the Rainbow: The Topoi and the Influences of "The Wizard of Oz"
Ped 112 Bowling

mmmmm, fastlivin'

I'm an idiot.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


stranger: things have happened

it looks like I'm going to apply to here, here, here, and as a back up,here for grad school. Any other suggestions? (I'm looking to fly south for the winter)

i hit a wild turkey with my car this morning

and on a side/quasifictional note: jeff ate mayonnaise off a wooden stool with his fingers

Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm back

in hillsdale

for one more year