Title--> -Stars-Contemplative Suicide-A Kiss-And a cup a Memories-
someone is telescoping and it sounds like the breeze at the hip of a dragon,
wo/ander like no other
midnight days that long for ways to say the things you'll sing to me
a blank white wall with windows full
and there she sits on the sill
flow to me like a tear on the cheek of nightside
draped around the death of it, wronged without, don't mend it
jump or fall feel my hand reaching
scarlet folds curves untold eyes that smile hips to hold
wrapped within the hope from your eyes
a silent bracelet that waits for your touch
and ears too soft to feel
remember when the chill was blue and the moon made love to the lake
the time you laughed at the dead turtle's skull and seven broken bones
to return to the time when it smelled like dirt and diesel